Monday, November 2, 2009

When we woke up on our last day in Grangeville...

... we woke up to a snowy, white beautiful outdoors.

I have always loved winter; it's my favorite time of year, with Christmas being my favorite holiday.
But on our drive to the airport... there were some people who, I suppose, were not to gloriously happy about the sudden change in weather...

It was pretty dangerous, since this accident was on a downhill slope after a blind corner..
I think that everyone forgets how to drive in snowy conditions after going thru the summer and stuff...
I can't wait for snow. I love all the memories I have with it, the fun times I remember I had with sledding, snowmen and stuff. The cozy feeling in the house on those winter evenings with a few lights, apple spice candles, hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows, stories read under fleece blankets.
Sometimes I wonder if God created winter for families to slow down and spend some time together again.. reconnect, remember, relax...
If He did, or if He didn't, I don't care so much...
I'm just glad that He made winter.

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